Wednesday, December 21, 2005


I am loving blogging - it always takes me a little while to get into this computor business just been on the page of a guy in america who is exploring church that i got to by visiting a friend of a friend and then clicking on a it.

Life is strange at the moment - really good, concerned that excitment and beauty of Christmas are hiding all the things that i have to consider in the new year - feel like they are going to hit me like a big wet fish in January.

I did not get the job that i wanted so much - i did a really bad interview - been trying to work out what my philosphy is on the subjecy whether God gave me the opportunity and i messed it up or whether in fact God got another plan - i know God always has another way - i know that he is faithful and good but actually in fact did i mess up the opportunity of an amazing job?

God is so good in the middle of January i am meant to be moving into a friend of a friends flat to house sit until they sell it - i was moving in on my own which being extreme extragvent was terrorffing but today talking to one of my most precious friends she said that she needs somewhere to stay for a month...hurray. Its amazing because i knew i was doing the right thing moving in i had complete peace and that is often the way i find with God that he only gives me a bit and i just have to trust and it all seems like maddness like moving to Leeds with no house or job but it turns out beautifully in the end.

Been thinking about adventure - started to read a Christian book - sorry to the 2% of the population that are Christian but i hate them ... i can never get past the first chapter this coming from the girl that can eat a book every two weeks ( which if i could read faster i would try a book a week) because there so dull and they repeat and repeat and then repeat everything - i often find that you only need to read the first chapter to grasp the context - sorry i will stop being so bitter. Anyway so i read the first chapter of this book about how to be a women...and it was saying how actually all we want ( a little unfair - it said other things too...but you know what you be you) is men to let us in on there adventures...mmm WHAT - God been speaking to me about how every single day is an adventure that you never get to repeat the same time and there is alway new and exiciting things that can happen...3 years ago i never would have thought i would be living in Leeds and here i am. For me 2006 is about adventure and being a single lady with no man to lead me into adventure it looks like i am going to have to find my own!!

Butterfly Kisses and Christmas Wishes to you all :)

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Getting the hang of this now look at me go.... just handed in application form for job that i want so much it hurts :0)... traniee community development worker! Spent three days on it and stayed up all last night - i have had no sleep - feel like a student again. Have to note my wonderful friends Steve, Heather, Joff, Carolyn, Dick and Danny (in the order they helped) who took various different shifts on my work making sure that it was non them very much...what a rich honour it is to have such amazing lovies.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

I had one of those rare Amilie days today - do you know the ones i mean? Where everything is alive and rich and almost quite i sat in cafe nero, on the top floor on a seat facing the north wall, i could look directly down at the people who were making there way up the stairs with their cups of coffe and tea and double foam no whip mocha choccas. And as they came up all i could see were the rims of the cups full to the brim with liquaid and the arms and hands that steadly held them and it was in a werid way beautiful... clearly extrime extragvert Kay has spent far too long on her own today :0)....

I am currently reading The Time Traveler's wife - which is not a book i would neccesalry choose but it kept jumping out of me (stucker for good covers...i know never judge and all but im a product of a visual society!!) Anyway im loving it!! Its well writtern, draws you in and most of all makes you feel all sexy(in the purist of pure ways) and alive..

loving life at present by the way... hope you are too